Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Ipod in Education

Ipod in education from apple seems to be progressing as days progress. I read that educators are using Ipods for audio and video content with speeches. Apple has something called the iLife where students and teachers can create their own Ipod content.Apple says that this will create and add new dimensions to learning.
Ipod also has something called Podcasts that are particular for eduacation and learning on the go. Ipods are also able to use audiobooks. I wish I could have had this about 9 years ago when I was at Phillips and we had to read Shakespeare.
Apple development has been useful over the decades just with producing the comptures.I believe that this can be a more interesting way to help enhance learning from a students point of view. However, I do hope that in the future if it becomes more common in a classroom setting that it wont be required for homework to such. The reason I say this is because this new technology is very useful and it is great for us to be able to acess it, but for those of us who are less fortunate and cant afford these accesories, we would be left behind.click here

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